Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oklahoma High Schools That Work


HSTW Third Quarter Reimbursements - Due by April 15
This should also remind you of something else that is to be filed by April 15!

Only a few HSTW sites have filed for reimbursement. Please consult with your business manager to file reimbursement claims through March 2009. OCAS code 600 items require the HSTW state coordinator pre-approval. Also, have your leadership team meet to review the implementation of your school improvement goals/strategies and how remaining funds can be encumbered before the end of April. Remember, HSTW funds do not carry-over and are only good for this fiscal year. Reimbursement forms may be downloaded at http://www.okcareertech.org/hstw/resources.htm.

2008 HSTW Assessment Follow-Up Survey
As of March 9th the postcards should be in the mail to provide the graduates with the link to complete the follow-up survey. Additional information can be located at:

Stimulus Package Information
The white paper Maximizing Education Reform in the Stimulus Bill: Building State Innovation Funds (http://www.ecs.org/clearinghouse/79/91/7991.pdf) released by the Education Commission of the States (ECS) and Teach for America (TFA) offers states advice on how they can best compete for and use education funds in the stimulus bill's stabilization fund (SBSF). Of the $53.6 billion that is appropriated for state fiscal stabilization (SFSF); there is a $5 billion "Race to the Top" fund that will be used to improve school reform efforts. In addition, there are $40 billion of the SFSF that is designated for education and another $8 billion for "high priority needs," that include education. ECS and TFA suggest that states can put themselves in a prime position to gain access to these funds through the creation of state innovation funds.


“Assistive Technology Software for Students with Disabilities” Webinar
March 30th from 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education and Oklahoma ABLE Tech join to bring you a one hour webinar presentation to discuss the features and benefits of innovative literacy software tools designed to enhance the reading, writing, and educational process for individuals with unique reading and writing difficulties. Assistive technology (AT) products are available to borrow from the CareerTech AT Center in Information Commons to allow individuals an opportunity to compare features and to determine which products meet their individual needs. Software products reviewed will be: TextHelp Read Write Gold, WYNN Wizard, Test Talker, Kurzeil 3000, and Key to Access.
Registration is available at this link -

Advanced Placement Summer Institutes
Applications for the Oklahoma Advanced Placement (AP) Summer Institutes for 2009 are available at http://www.sde.state.ok.us in the site index under “Advanced Placement.” Oklahoma public school teachers attending will have their registration paid by the state. A limited amount of lodging, on a first come basis, is also provided for teachers who live more than 65 miles from the institute site. Register with the AP director at the location for which you would plan to attend. Additional information is available from Cathy Douglas, AP and Gifted Education, SDE at 405.521.4287.

Teachers as Advisor Workshop
When: June 3, 2009
Where: Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education - Tuttle Seminar Center
What: Schools and/or districts are encouraged to bring teams (i.e., administrator, secondary counselor, career and technology teacher, academic teacher). Pre-registration is required with NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION, due to meal function guarantees and space limitations. Contact Janet Hawkins, Career Information Specialist, ODCTE for additional information at 405.743.5123. Team registration is available at this link -


18 Ways for Faculty to Promote Equity in the Classroom
Helping students explore career options in an ever changing global marketplace can provide challenges if we get stuck in our traditional mindset. Techniques, March 2009, provides 18 suggestions for any classroom teacher in how to encourage and empower all students equitably.

Curriculum and Instructional Materials Catalog (CIMC) Newsletter and Updates
Check out the new CIMC) Spring 2009 Update newsletter at: http://www.okcimc.com/about/index.htm

• View featured products and download samples at http://www.okcimc.com/sample
• The CIMC staff promote teacher helps such as:
  1. Jami Church – help students who struggle with reading by processing class notes, save as a PDF file and allow students to listen to them using Adobe Acrobat “Read Out Loud” Feature listed under the View menu.
  2. Ann Wolfe – suggests an easy way to create your own videos is using animot – http://animoto.com.
  3. Tracy Boyington – recommends Teacher Tube at http://teachertube.com/.


ITEST - Innovation Technology Experiences for Students (k-12) and Teachers
Grant Resource - National Science Foundation
Description - The ITEST program responds to current concerns and projections about the growing demand for professionals and information technology workers in the U.S. and seeks solutions to help ensure the breadth and depth of the STEM workforce. ITEST supports research studies to address questions about how to find solutions. It also supports the development, implementation, testing, and scale-up of implementation models. ITEST projects may include students or teachers, kindergarten through high school age, and any area of the STEM workforce. Projects that explore cyberlearning, specifically learning with cyberinfrastructure tools such as networked computing and communications technologies in K-12 settings, are of special interest. Four types of projects are invited: (1) Research projects enrich the understanding of issues related to enlarging the STEM workforce; (2) Research projects may conduct efficacy and effectiveness studies of intervention models; (3) conduct longitudinal studies of efforts to engage students in the STEM areas, develop instruments to assess engagement, persistence, and other relevant constructs of student motivation; or (4) conduct studies to identify predictors of student inclination to pursue STEM career trajectories. The program is especially interested in projects that target students from groups that are underserved and underrepresented in STEM and ICT-intensive careers, including those residing in rural and economically disadvantaged communities.
Web - http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=nsf09506
Deadline Date - August 25, 2009
III Innovation through Institutional Integration
ITEST Letter of Intent - January 19, 2010
ITEST Full Proposal - February 12, 2010

Teacher Incentive Program - ARRA - CFDA 84.385
Grant Resource - US Department of Education
Description - These supplemental funds, appropriated under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), are intended to help stimulate the American economy. The purpose of the Teacher Incentive Fund is to support programs that develop and implement performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems, based primarily on increases in student achievement, in high-need schools. The goals of the Teacher Incentive Fund program include:
  1. Improving student achievement by increasing teacher and principal effectiveness;
  2. Reforming teacher and principal compensation systems so that teachers and principals are rewarded for increases in student achievement;
  3. Increasing the number of effective teachers teaching poor, minority, and disadvantaged students in hard-to-staff subjects; and
  4. Creating sustainable performance-based compensation systems.
The purpose of ARRA is (1) To preserve and create jobs and promote economic recovery; (2) To assist those most impacted by the recession; (3) To provide investments needed to increase economic efficiency by spurring technological advances in science and health; (4) To invest in transportation, environmental protection, and other infrastructure that will provide long-term economic benefits; and (5) To stabilize State and local government budgets, in order to minimize and avoid reductions in essential services and counterproductive state and local tax increases. Agencies with differentiated compensation systems already in place may apply for a TIF program grant to expand their programs so that they reach additional high-need school sites or to include teachers or administrators in high-need schools who are not participating in the current system.
Award Amount - 15 awards totaling $200 million
Web - http://www07.grants.gov/search/search.do?mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&oppId=45890
Deadline Date - TBA

HP Innovations in Education
Grant Resource - Hewlett Packard (HP)
Description - The HP Innovations in Education grants for secondary school districts in the US fund school districts to launch innovative pilot initiatives that support the administrators and teachers responsible for student success in math and science in middle schools and/or high schools. In the US, HP plans to award approximately 25 grants to public or qualified private school districts.
Size of Grant - 25 grants of $270,000 in HP technology, cash, and professional development
Web - http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/grants/us/2009-HPIIE-Secondary-US.pdf
Deadline Date - March 30, 2009

National Council on Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award
Grant Resource - National Council on Social Studies
Description - The NCSS Teacher of the Year Awards recognize exceptional classroom social studies teachers for grades K-6, 5-8, and 7-12 who teach social studies regularly and systematically in elementary school settings, and at least half-time in middle or junior high and high school settings. Award winners receive $2,500, complimentary one-year membership in NCSS, and present a session on their work at the NCSS Annual Conference, and up to $500 in transportation/lodging reimbursement to attend the Annual Conference.
Size of Grant - $2,500, NCSS membership, transportation to NCSS Annual Conference
Web - http://www.socialstudies.org/awards/teaching
Deadline Date - April 1, 2009

Summer Research Experiences for Students and Science Teachers
Grant Resource - US Department of Education
Description - The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announces the opportunity for investigators and United States institutions/organizations with active NIH Research Grants to request administrative supplements for the purpose of promoting job creation, economic development, and accelerating the pace and achievement of scientific research. These supplements will also encourage students to seriously pursue research careers in the health related sciences, as well as provide elementary, middle school, and high school teachers, community college faculty, and faculty from non-research intensive institutions with short term research experiences in NIH-funded laboratories. Support for these supplements will come from funds provided to NIH through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ("Recovery Act" or "ARRA"), Public Law 111-5. In addition, Recovery Act funds allocated to NIH specifically for comparative effectiveness research (CER) may be available to support supplements.
Web - http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-09-060.html
Deadline Date - Multiple dates

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